meet the Teachers
Jordan Al-Assadi

As an English and Physical and Health Education (PHE) teacher, I try to infuse community involvement, environmental sustainability, outdoor education, and social justice into the curriculum. On a daily basis, I witness Leadership students following a passion, engaging with important issues, and fighting for a better future.
In line with David Suzuki, I believe that children who grow up immersed in nature at a young age are more likely to protect it when they are older. My favourite Leadership experiences involve the use of our class set of bicycles for excursions to Galliano and Salt Spring Island. I enjoy connecting students with learning environments that are outside of the school building (local excursions, field trips, and overnight excursions.)
My pronouns: he/him
Lachlan Beggs

I recently joined the Windermere community in October 2023 and after a brief moment with the Leadership program in 2024, I am excited to officially be joining this team full time! As an English and Social Studies teacher, I am very passionate about diversifying students' learning experiences by building on innovative practices and opportunities in the classroom that promotes student success, wellbeing, and community. I am also very passionate about empowering students to enhance their leadership capabilities, amplify and uplift diverse voices, and effect positive social change both inside and outside of their communities.
Along with teaching CIS 11 and Socials 10 in the Leadership program, I will also be teaching Socials 9 and BC First Peoples. I am also the cosponsor of Windermere's Dance Club!
My pronouns: he / him
Allison Dixon

I joined the Leadership program in 2018, and I have enjoyed being part of the Windermere Community as an English teacher since 2016. I’m excited to be involved in a program built on the values of social responsibility, community engagement, and environmental education. While at Windermere, I can often be found digging, weeding, and wandering about the school orchard and gardens with the Garden Club. As a teacher, I strive to ensure that all my students have what they need in order to reach their full potential, take ownership over their own learning, and discover what they’re passionate about in life.
Favourite quote: “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” – Anonymous proverb
My pronouns: she/her
Evie Foster

I’m Windermere's Business teacher and Leadership Program Co-ordinator who loves to learn through play and seeks to build community in all areas of life. My passions include sustainable agriculture in my tiny backyard garden where I feed hummingbirds using feeders and a multitude of flowers. I’m currently growing catnip for all the neighborhood cats to enjoy and 2 extra special kitties which I recently began fostering.
I’m beginning my entry into Leadership for the first time teaching CLE 10 in 2024! I hope to continue building my presence as time passes. I have previously been attended the Galliano and Salt Spring trips finding enthusiasm and passion in students love of nature, social justice, and excellence!
Favorite quote: "The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago. The second best time is right now” - unknown
My pronouns: she/her
Seth Johnson

I’m excited to join the Leadership program, where our focus on environmental sustainability, community engagement, and social justice aligns with my passion for fostering critical thinking. As an English teacher for grades 8 and 10, I encourage students to engage with literature and media in ways that challenge them to think deeply and reflect on the world around them. My goal is to support students in developing the skills needed to become informed, forward-thinking citizens who are ready to make a positive impact on their communities and beyond
My pronouns: he / him
Amanpreet Jhutti

I am excited to join the leadership program at Windermere Secondary. I will be teaching social studies to the Leadership students this year. As a Social Studies teacher, I encourage our students to reflect on their place in the world, appreciate what came before them, and consider the impact they have on the future. Before becoming a teacher, I worked in parks and recreation, and hope to use that experience to educate our students on the importance of maintaining, and saving, our environment. I look forward to meeting all the new Leadership students.
My pronouns: he / him
Petra Rempel

Since 2004, I have been privileged to live and teach in the Windermere Community and I am excited to be a part of this wonderful mini-school program. The philosophical principles of the Leadership program are a strong fit for my core values and I am continuously inspired by students as they learn more about their role in the world. I believe the most meaningful experiences stem from inquiry and action, from challenge and passion. Outside of a teaching, I'm a mum, daughter, sister, auntie, wife, and friend with a love of reading and knitting, of science and of quiet natural spaces. I practice yoga and mindfulness and enjoy learning about traditional uses for plants. I have been in the Leadership program since 2014 and teach Science 8, Ecology 9, and Environmental Science 11. I cosponsor our Sprouts Garden Club with Allison Dixon, and sponsor Greening Windermere, our sustainability club.
My pronouns: she/her