Speakers & Workshops
Speakers and Workshop Facilitators are now up!
c3 2018 Speakers and Workshop Facilitators
c3 2018 Speakers and Workshop Facilitators
Our Community Bikes - Bike Repair
Learn the advantages of riding your bike and cover a wide variety of topics from basic mechanics, to road safety and route mapping.
Fraser Riverkeeper - Water Literacy
Learn about the protection and restoration of the Fraser River and its watershed and how to ensure the right of all citizens to safely swim, drink, and fish in BC waters.
Metro Vancouver - Sustainable Leadership and Climate Justice
Develop connections to water and sustainability leadership through success story sharing and by providing resources and tool for action.
Be the Change Earth Alliance - Climate Action
Develop critical thinking skills to take action in your own lives and communities. Leave inspired to "be the change" by being your most authentic self and living your true purpose.
Ryan Cho - Imagining the Future We Want
Responding to a big issue like climate change can make people feel overwhelmed, even though there are lots of alternatives and solutions. In this workshop, students will use stories and a simulation activity to help us put this moment into a historical context, move past the sense of overwhelm, imagine the world they want and how to get us there.
Ryan Cho - Social Justice
Social justice and climate justice are sometimes difficult for people to understand or talk about – they know that they want the world to be better and fairer, but may not know how to talk about or speak about social justice issues. This workshops will help people distinguish between different types of power, privilege, and oppression and provide them with lenses and vocabulary that will help them explain and understand social justice both for themselves and in their conversations with other people.
Ryan Cho - Theories of Change
Climate justice emphasizes systemic change – new rules and regulations, public investments in infrastructure and better systems – above and beyond the small changes we can make as individuals. This module reflects on successful social movements, what has made them successful, and what we can learn from them to make things better, both in achieving climate justice in BC and social justice in the world at large.
Petra Rempel - Ocean Acidification
Explore the effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs and marine wildlife through exciting discussions and an interesting chalk lab.
Check Your Head - Migrant Justice
Featuring arts-based activities, experiential learning from migrants and activists, and interactive histories, this workshop seeks to engage, activate, and empower young people by helping them to better understand immigration in Canada and by giving them the tools to break down anti-migrant racism and colonial stereotypes, resulting in safer schools and communities.
Check Your Head - Poverty and Income Inequality
Canada’s official wealth is growing, but so is the rate of poverty. Why do the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer? Is income inequality bad for everyone, or just some people? How can we build a society where everyone prospers, and what does it look like? From minimum wage to corporate power, learn about the roots of poverty and how it affects us in BC. We explore practical ideas and realistic solutions for poverty elimination.
Naomi - Storytelling
Stories create the space and time necessary for experiencing new worlds. In this time of global crisis, learn how to use storytelling as a way to listen to yourselves.
Brendan Chan - Jam Making
Growing food is half the fun, the other half comes with cooking and sharing the harvest with those around you! So come and learn how to can food safely and learn about food system sustainability, as we make jam together! No experience needed! Every participant will get to leave with their own jar of homemade jam!
Hives for Humanity - LIP BALM MAKING
Bees have a way of capturing our curiosity – through their vibrations, communication, and magic! As always, nature is the best teacher. Delving into the world of bees with our enthusiastic beekeepers can ignite imaginations, spark inspiration, and create moments of reflection as we appreciate the lessons of these incredible creatures. Beekeeping is an experience like no other. Our presentations and workshops will explore all aspects of community beekeeping, offering historical, biological, social and cultural insights. We are more than beekeepers. Bees are so much more than honey.
West Coast Leaf - Power Play
This workshop explores the law, discrimination, and marginalization. Students are encouraged to critically examine social conventions and their own (mis)conceptions about equality. We will use games and activities to start discussions about discrimination and its implications, and introduce the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and section 15 (the equality rights provision).